
IRD Update – Cheques

IRD have advised that from 1 March 2020 they will no longer accept payment by cheque, or cheques dated after 1 March 2020, from customers who are able to pay another way.

Here’s a summary of other payment options:

myIR: Direct debit and card payments can be made from myIR.Online banking: One-off or scheduled recurring payments can be made using online banking.Money transfer: Your clients based overseas can pay us using a money transfer service. Search for “Make a payment” on our website for more information.Credit or debit card via our website: Payments can be made by credit or debit card through our secure payment website. Go to our website and search for “Make a payment” and select “Pay using credit or debit card”.Westpac: EFTPOS or cash payments can be made at any Westpac branch or Smart ATM.

See the IRD website for more information on these options and for details on what references to use.

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