Keep Track of Covid-19 Business Operating Guidelines

Under CPF Red all businesses can have staff onsite, provided those staff and the business meet the operating guidelines for their sector at Red. But if a staff member tests positive for Covid-19, shows symptoms, or is a close contact then the rules state they must isolate.

For a run down on the framework, and what it means for your business visit the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment business website.

Omicron Three Phase Response

The Government response also includes phases that relate to how widespread the virus is and how we then respond to it.

At Phase 2 (as of 15/02/2022), where the virus is in the community, the focus will be on slowing transmission rather than stamping it out.

There are different isolation and quarantine requirements for cases and close contacts at each phase and it can be hard to work out what the latest management rules are. You can find information on each phase and how to manage if staff develop symptoms or are a close contact on the Covid-19 website.

Close Contact Exemption Scheme

If your business is delivering a critical service or you provide key infrastructure or supply, your staff can operate under the close contact exemption scheme. If your ‘close contact’ staff are vaccinated and asymptomatic, they will be able to continue to work, as long as they return a negative rapid antigen test prior to each day/shift they are at work during the isolation period, and follow specific health protocols.

Businesses and organisations can self-assess if they meet the criteria for being critical. You can self-assess and register online.

Bubble of One

If a close contact is vaccinated and asymptomatic, they may also be able to continue to work as a ‘bubble of one’, if they are not customer facing and follow strict health protocols. Details are also on the Business.govt website.

Get in touch if you’d like to discuss this in more detail.

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